
  • Taufan Anggara Bung Hatta University


Taufan Anggara¹, Sudirman Is¹, Elfida Agus¹

¹Architecture Program, Postgraduate Of Bung Hatta University





Beside Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadist Ijtihad as a source of  Islamic culture is the secularization  of  Islamic law.Ijtihad arranges the  regulations to implement the content of Islamic law.Ijtihad arranges the regulations to implement  the content  of Al- hadist in daily life  in society that is embodied in element of Islamic culture.Those are islam teachers its followers to take the initiate and creativity ( Al-Hadits) and encourage to acculturated to have relationship with other nations and share the knowledge  and many others ( QS Al-Haj,46 ) Hands,it needs more attention to understand the heterogeneity of  concern about islam. It is related to the mosque architecture.Diversity of form affects the mosque architecture,even large mosque arctecture centered or small mosque in cert in area. This case probably caused by diversity of landform that resulted in variation in spatial system.Beside that,other Factors may  be caused by traditional values that are still strong and religious moral value that is growing and contextual.To understand this case in needed classification in uniformity and diversity of typology mosque architecture.To understand more detail about the various of argumentations is happen behind the run that is not inform is needed description about uniformity and diversity of typology mosque architecture as an expression of a verbal statement of quality figural formed. This researsech is descriptive to get a qualitative data, analysis unit that is used is classify the typology architecture of mosque through study about mosque architecture organizations,and is explained as a verbal to get understanding in many kinds of argumentations that happen behind uniformity and diversity of typology society organizations.The uniformity caused by the nature of textual similarity and diversity is caused by the diversity of contextual interpretation and growing.As for the formulas involves three aspects,namely typology: Site Plan,location,Fasade.Site plan is concerning the spatial location of the position due to environmental concers and plans regarding the organization of space and shape,space implies a hierarchy of spatial and space organization mosque society.While the use of elaborate façade type of root in mosque building in kerinci especially at Desa pulau Tengah until Sungai penuh city that representing the overall appearance of the building of mosque society organization. Eventually,this research may provide an explanation from the finding of the data about variety factors that affect the diversity and uniformity of mosque society organization ( MSM ).diversity is caused by the views and interpretation of the ever evolving and uniformity is caused by beliefs and traditional values.


Keywords: Typology (Site Plan,location,Fasade)

