
  • Cici .Anggraini


Cici Anggraini 1). Marsis (2. Yetty Morelent (3.
1) Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
2) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Bung Hatta
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Abstract: The purpose of this study to explain the structure of discourse texts, social
cognition, and social context in talk show Mata Najwa Judging from Van Dijk analysis
model. The theory used is: theory of discourse analysis Teun A. Van Dijk expressed by
Eriyanto (2001). The type of this research is qualitative research using descriptive method,
while the object of this research is talk show Najwa Eye speech degree in Metro TV with
episgode of Find Your Majesty, Mega Scandal of E-KTP Project, By Our Land, and Virus
of Dusta. The results of this study show: (a) Shihab uses structured language to guide
events based on topics, schematics, semantics, syntax, stylism, and rhetoric in order to
provide information to the audience or viewers in understanding the talk show on all
episodes; (b) the social cognition contained in all episodes, Shihab strives to keep and
display events to keep them warm and vibrant and interesting to watch, and facilitate the
needs of viewers in understanding the Najwa Eye talk show on Metro TV; (c) the social
context contained in all Najwa Eye talk show episodes, Indonesian Shihab serves to
support the clarity of meaning concerning the material discussed and seek to extract
information through the questions asked to its source. Based on the description of data
analysis and research results it is concluded that: (a) the text structure of all episodes
aired to provide an understanding to the listener about the actual situation; (b) social
cognition plays a balance in order for the discourse contained in the talk show to remain
warm and lively, so the text remains interesting to discuss and Shihab seeks to attract the
attention of listeners to keep up with the Najwa Eye talk show on Metro TV; and (c) the
social context of all episodes aired by Shihab seeks to keep the show interesting by asking
questions about the material in question and trying to make the resource person answer all
the questions asked.
Keywords: Discourse, Talk Show, Najwa Eyes.

