
  • Zuryani .Mahadiza


Zuryani Mahadiza1). Marsis(2. Yetty Morelent (3.
1) Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
2) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Bung Hatta
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The purpose of this research is to describe the moral values in kaba Gadih Basanai by Pirin
Asmara which is kaba in Minangkabau people. The journal used is Abdurrahman (2013) about cultural
values, Bertens (2007) the theory is about ethics, and Samsudin Udin (1982) is about kaba theories. The
kind of this research is qualitative research by using descriptive method. The soarce of this research data
is kaba Gadih Basanai by Pirin Asmara in the form of VCD recordings. Step in analyzing data by
describing data which is related to moral values clarify data about moral values. Based on data analysis
put. Forward things as follows. First structures contained in kaba Gadih Basanai created by Pirin
Asmara, are: (a) plot, kaba Gadih Basanai describes the forward plot is story exposure from start to
fimish systematically and structured. The messenger presents the story of being five VCD records which
starts from Gadih Basanai 1, Gadih Basanai 2, Gadih Basanai 3, Gadih Basanai 4, and Gadih Basanai 5.
(b) the figures of this kaba Gadih Basanai are Gadih Basanai, Aliamad, Sutan Sabirullah (Rajo Angek),
Puti Ambun Suri, Puti Tari Mato, and Urang Ulando. (c) the theme in this story are about the strunggle of
the hard willed. (d) the message this kaba Gadih Basanai by Pirin Asmara are should in life have a desire
and strive to achieve what is desired and should not be careless about objects that do not know its
usefulness because it is fatul, then be a good leader and wise, and be careful in making decisious. Second
moral values in kaba Gadih Basanai by Pirin Asmara among others related to: (1) conscience, when
conscience is shown by an uncle to his nephew. (2) free and responsibility if viewed in term of freedom
of Gadih Basanai clearly visible when Gadih Basanai ask for a something to the duch king. (3) right and
obligations seen when the duty of an uncle saw his nephew being preseduted himself. There is no place
to live and a place to complain. (4) values and horms seen when the things asked to meet the kings is a
leader in his area and to meet the king must be adjusted to the existing rutes. Beside these four moral
values are also found cultural values, social values, and character values. Therefory, can be conclude that
kaba Gadih Basanai by Pirin Asmara many contain moral values such as the moral values of conscience,
freedom and responsibility, right obligations and value, horms cultural values, social values and also
character values.
Keywords: Values, Moral, Kaba, Gadih Basanai

