
  • Susy Letrini
  • Hafrijal Syandri
  • Azrita .


This research is about the assessment of the conformity of fisheries conservation location in Batang Kapur River Nagari Koto Bangun Kapur IX Sub-district Lima Puluh Kota Regency. It was conducted during January to March 2013. The purpose of this research is to analyzed the roles of community institutions (Pokmaswas) in managing Sosa fisheries conservation, to analyze tropical status of fisheries conservation based on physics-chemical water parameters as well as plankton, and to analyze it with certain confirmed parameters.It is found that the Sosa fisheries conformity coverage was 6.19 ha, that consist of primary zone 0.14 ha, sustainable zone 1.25 ha, and used zone 4.80 ha. This area was managed by certain group under supervision of Fisheries Agencies of Lima Puluh Kota. There are 23 species found in Sosa conservation area. They are 16 species of Cyprinidae, 2 species of Channidae, 1 species of Clupeidae, 1 species of Mastacambelidae, 1 species Hemirampidae, 1 species of Angridae, and 1 species Chiclidae. They can be cathegorized into for four food tropical levels: herbivore, omnivore, carnivore and predator. It is also found one endemic and scarce species that is Tabingalan (Puntioplites bulu) in which the dominant species is Kapiek (Barboides schwanifeldi). The analyses shown that the water quality in Sosa fishery conservation is still unpolluted and can fulfill the criteria of standardized water quality for fisheries. The result if the measurement of the Total Suspention Solid (TSS) of the three zones is between 4,83±0.30-6.66±0.15 mg/l, the COD value is between 10.62±0.08-15.41±0.54 mg/l and Total Disolved Solid (TDS) is between 12.05±0.02-18.80±0.41mg/l. The value of plankton is 1.264-1.809 ind./l, as the result tropic level of the area can be categorized as oligotropic. The vegetation found along the side river are fish grass, (potamogeton malaianus), talas (Colacasia esculenta), paku pakis (Aspidum sp), Pungpulutan (urena lobata), serempuli (Macaranga triloba), and putri malu (Mimosa pudica). Based on the research found mentioned above, it can be concluded that Sosa fisheries conservation is very effective and can work well.


Key words:  fisheries conservation, institutional aspects, types of fish, water quality, plankton, and water vegetation.


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