PENYIMPANGAN PELAAKSANAAN PERJALANAN DINAS PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL Studi Kasus pada Wilayah Kerja Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan


  • R i z a l .
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yuslim .


Tour of duty is privileged to be conducted by Indonesia civil servant as the corps of government. Tour of duty may enable to improve the working quality of an organization or institution and as well the personal of public civil servant. Unluckily there is the possibility of misuse the responsibility tour of duty through some modus, these are harmful for the state. The opportunity tour of duty may be misused by actor of public civil servant to obtain the illegal benefit as his or her additional income. The loss of state may emerge of the misuse tour of duty responsibility. It can be identified as the crime of corruption and how to set the law on the misuse of tour of duty responsibility? It needs the empirical yuridis to find out the responses through questionnaires, interviews. The data are analyzed in qualitative one. The result of research indicates the misuse modus of tour of duty conducted through shortened the time tour of duty, the fictive tour of duty and falsifying the bill tour of duty, and as well through mark up of the cost. The deviation tour of duty misuse indicated the crime of corruption. The setting of the law on the misuse tour of duty may be conducted through preventive and repressive process and the loss of state should be repaid. Recomended to the public civil servant increase legal awarennes and change the mind set that the the misuse tour of duty responsibility is not a means to enrich themselves, such action is unlawfull and a criminal offense . Committing Officer and Treasures Expendituress that increase the accuracy in the testing and inspection of evidence as well as tour of duty responsibility and a special unit in charge of handling the needs of employees who will perfome tour of duty.


Key words: Public civil servant, Tour of duty, Letter tour of duty, Deviation.


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