Studi Tingkat Pencemaran Penambang Emas Tanpa Izin (PETI) Terhadap Kualitas Perairan Batang Mesumai Kabupaten Merangin


  • Efton Julisno Jhon Nurifdinsyah Usman Bulanin


The results of field observation that now has been developing activities of Unlicensed
Gold Mining (PETI), resulting in river water is very turbid, dark brown color and
subsequently suspected to affect the quality condition of ecosystem conditions, especially
macrozoobentos. The purpose of this research is to identify pollution level of Unlicensed
Gold Miner (PETI) on quality of waters of Batang Mesumai Merangin Regency. Data
sampling method was carried out by purposive sampling, namely the determination of the
observation station was carried out based on the purpose. For water, sediment and
macrozoobentos sampling, three stations have been established. To find out the value of
physical, chemical and biological parameters and macrozoobentos examined in the laboratory.
The results showed that: (1) The results of the assessment of the status of water quality in the
three stasium of this study with the use of class III using STORET method with medium
contaminated status. (2) The diversity of macrozoobentos result of this research into three
Batang Mesumai River Stasium found 12 macrozoobentos from genus. (3) The value of
macrozoobenthic diversity index in each station, the highest is Stasium 1 Manau River with
severe polluted status, Stasis 2 Layang Island with severe polluted status and stasis 3 Greeting
standard with severe polluted status. The value of uniformity of 0.22 in the first station of
Manau River, Stasium 2 Pulau Layang 0.16 and Stasis 3 is 0.32. The uniformity value is
almost close to 0, so there is almost a dominance of the genus. (4) The correlation value (r)
BOD5 0.783 has a strong (positive) correlation to the index value of the diversity of
macrozoobentos, also the value (r) COD -0.534 has a moderate level of negative to the
diversity index value.

