
  • Afriyenti .
  • Lis Febrianda
  • Yofiza Media


PDAM is a Local-Owned Corporation built upon the purpose of increasing public service of clean water. However, the fact shows that the supply of clean water either in the city or villages  for the need of households or industries are not accomplished. This case is not suitable with article 7 of Law no 8 of 1999. Based on the above problem, there are three problems that follow: (1) Is the consumer service of PDAM Tirta Sakti of Kerinci Regency appropriate with the Law no 8 of 1999 (2) What are the obstacles faced by the consumers in getting the service of PDAM Tirta Sakti of Kerinci Regency based on the Law no 8 of 1999? (3) What are the efforts that the consumers do towards the service of PDAM Tirta Sakti of Kerinci Regency based on the Law no 8 of 1999? This research uses juridical-sociological approach. The data collection was undertaken through document analysis and interview. The entire data were analyzed both qualitatively and descriptively. The location of the research was in Local Water Corporation (PDAM) of Kerinci Regency. The result of the research shows that PDAM Tirta Sakti of Kerinci Regency is not suitable with the Law no 8 of 1999 article 4. The obstacles faced by the consumers are as follows: consumers` objection is not fully handled; account payment is minimal; water meter is out of order; bureaucracy of objection is complicated; emergence of avoiding any conflict though their rights are not fulffilled. Therefore, the consumers solve this by delivering their objection and report to the Indonesian Legislative Assembly at Regional Level (DPRD) of Kerinci. They ask the staffs of PDAM to provide highly qualified water meter and its accuracy will be tested in every 5 years. Negotiation outside a court avoids any trial in a court.


Keywords: The service, PDAM, Consumers,  protection.



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