
  • Angreini Oktarina
  • Eni Kamal
  • Suparno .


Coral reef ecosystems are essential for the survival of marine life but the presence of coral reef are decline and decay. Methods use in this study is a survey method. To retrieve the condition of coral cover using the line intercept transect. The average percentage of coral cover in 8 point research station at 50.10% is still in the good condition, which is in the north 3 m depth 53.51%, north 7 m depth 68.14%, east 3 m depth 93.29%, east 7 m depth 15.93%, south 3 m depth 75.17%, south 7 m depth 20.53%, west 3 m depth 41.50%, and west 7 m depth 32.79%. The conditions of Panjang Island water quality are very support for coral reefs condition, including: water temperature ranged from 28.7 to 30.60 0C, the brightness ranges from 1-3 m, the average salinity of 30 0/00, pH ranged from 7.27 to 7 , 48, DO ranged from 6.79 to 7.23 mg / l, phosphate ranged from 3.21 to 4.68 mg / l, and nitrate ranged from 0.09 to 0.27 mg / l.


Key Words: Condition, Coral Reef, Panjang Island


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