
  • Doddy Anwar
  • Eko Alvares Z.
  • Hamdi Nur


Thermal comfortis neededso thatthe humanbodycan workproperly. Planninga school buildinginPekanbaruwill usegreenbuilding conceptstominimize the useof fossil energy. The studyfocusedon the selection ofoptimalbuilding orientationandopeningsin order to obtainthe lowest temperatureatschool so thatusage can beminimized. It requiredtheuseof thermalsimulationsoftwareAutodeskEcotectv. 2011.Base of the analysis ofthe temperatureeverypart of the buildinghas an averageof31.92ºC.The Waytolower the temperature ofspacebetween themis by adjusting theorientation of thebuilding masspositionofthe suncrossingstripes(sunpath). ). So thatdirect lightinto thebuildingcan be reducedbecause ofthis that causesthe room temperature tohigh.The position ofmasses orientationcan best bedone byanalyzingangle of the sunagainstthe building..Educational buildingconsisting ofclassroomstypicallylinedwith openingsshould be arrangedlengthwisedirectionagaintsthe sunpath.Other aspectsthat need to beobservedtoreduce theroom temperatureisby controllingsunlightenteringthrough openingsin theskinof the building.Foreducationbuilding,openingshouldbe madeupin order toavoidsaturationandstuffyatmospherein the room. Wideopeningsshouldbe anticipatedwiththeuseofshadingdevices, so nodirect sunlightenters the room. The besttypes ofshadingdevicesareegg-crate withthe samemeasureoflength, widthandheight.Because theangle of the sunatpeaktemperaturethat is15:00atan angle of 45ºto thehorizontal

Keywords :Thermal comfort, Orientation and Openings, Ecotect


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