
  • H. Jon Hafnil, Wardi, Nursyaifi Yulius


Sijunjung location of the gold mining (illegal) From field observations found
mining community provide location which is at the location of the farm like,
Kabun, Stone Manjulur, Silokek, Palangki, Mundam Way, Muaro, Cape Ampalu,
some mining sites along the stream Ombilin Sungai Batang, Batang Kuantan,
Batang Sukam, Sinamar, Trunk Palangki and several other tributaries. The
objective of this study (1) Assess the potential risks and impacts (2) Assess the
potential risks and impacts of the most dominant. (3) The strategic plan
megunakan minimize the risk of this research is quantitative approach method.
The results of the factor analysis has been done on the risks and impact of
variables, there is a reduction of variables and grouping into factors. At the risk
of a reduction in the variable variable variable 4 X1.7, X1.8, X1.9 and X1.10 as
communalitiesnya test value <0.5 and variables that pass the test can establish
three factors, grouped into direct physical risk factors happens, risk factors of
environment, risk factors of economic, social, obtained through a loading factor.
Next look for the most dominant factor seen from the eigenvalues as the highest
risk factor Physical immediate. While the variable impact of a reduction in the
three variables: the variable X2.4, X2.6 and X2.19, because communalitiesnya
test value <0.5 and variables that pass the test can form the 4 factors were
grouped into Positive Economic Impact factor, factor Social impact Positive
factors Negative impact of Economic and Social Negative impact factor, it is
obtained through a loading factor. Next look for the most dominant factor seen
from the eigenvalues as the highest impact factor Positive Economics.
Keywords: Assessment, Risk, Impact and Gold Mine

