
  • Hendra .
  • Syamsul Asri
  • Sudirman .


Rumah Gadang (Minangkabau Traditional House) in the regency of Kuantan Singingi precesely at the village of Toar in Gunung Toar district also had the same with Minangakbau Traditional House, from the history of Kuantan Singingi regency was more clearly the house had already appeared before the Dutch come to Kuantan Singingi. Like the existing Rumah Gadang in Minangakbau, the roof of the house also had six sides by “Joglo: model (storey building) from the original roof was “ijuk”, however as the development of era the roof of this house to be changed by using zincs. The building used the pole ranged 16 – 18 units. The raw material of this house 100% came from the local wood provided one gateway in the front of the house and average had four windows, the wall was made from standing particles provided with ornaments and exclusive motifs refer to the typical sign of tripe’s house and the parts wall was painted and other maintain in the original condition. Rumah gadang at the village of Toar was built by existing tripe’s and used as the place of meeting in the fiesta day of Idul Fitri and utilized as the reorganization place among member of local custom and if being the new member who want to enter into the tripe, although the era had been changed was more sophisticated, the culture of Rumah Gadang had been forgotten, To be expected to young generation in order not to be ignored the rich culture especially to young generation of Kuantan Singingi Regency. By being this thesis, the writer expected that it can be reference for the local government to protect the original cultural heritage from generation to generation in Kuantan Singingi forward. Method of this study used descriptive analysis model, it describes the object was studied in the real condition without fictive and supported by documentation with several pictures and interview.


Key words: Form, Forming Elements, Trip and Traditional House (Rumah Adat)


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