Implementasi Sistim Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Pada Proyek Konstruksi Oleh Pelaksana Jasa Konstruksi Di Kota Solok


  • Devis Saputra, Nafryzal Carlo, Inna Kholidasari,.


The rapid development in the world of construction requires construction service business people to
prioritize quality and efficiency in every construction project that is done, with the existence of tight
competitiveness between the construction services business, the company increases its productivity by
using increasingly complex production tools. In construction projects it is expected to create zero
accidents, this can be done well if 6 (six) key elements are the successful implementation of
Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSH), namely OSH policy, planning,
implementation and operation, inspection and improvement actions, management review and
continuous improvement, implemented well. Application of Occupational Safety and Health
Management System (SMK3) as stated in PP No. 50 of 2012 concerning Application of Occupational
Safety and Health Management System, Occupational Safety and Health (K3) and PermenPU Number
5 / PRT / M / 2014 concerning Guidelines for Safety Management Systems and Occupational Health
(SMK3) Construction in the Field of Public Works. Research is a quantitative study using descriptive
analysis. Data taken using a questionnaire in the form of in-depth interviews about how the
implementers of construction services apply the Occupational Safety and Health Management System
(SMK3) based on the Parameters of Knowledge, Capability and Willingness of the Construction
Services Provider on the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System
Construction in Solok City. The sample in this study consisted of Budget Users, Commitment Making
Officers, Technical Acting Officers, Procurement Service Units, Planning Consultants, Consultant
Supervisors and Contractors, totaling 30 respondents. The results of this study are the Implementation
of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) in construction projects by
Construction Service Executors in Solok City is still lacking (60.00%). If we look at the three
parameters, knowledge, ability and willingness, good parameters are only knowledge (57%) while the
ability parameter results are still lacking (53.5%) and the willingness parameter is still lacking
(56.7%). This is caused by several obstacles, the lack of regulation and commitment of the local
government to implement SMK3, still lack of ability and willingness to implement construction
services to implement SMK3, lack of socialization and training on implementation of SMK3, absence
of K3 experts, absence of budgeted K3 cost allocation on construction projects and the absence of
internal audits related to the implementation of SMK3. For this reason, every construction service
provider must carry out their duties and authority as stated in PermenPU Number 5 / PRT / M / 2014
concerning the Guidelines for Construction Occupational Health and Safety Management System
(SMK3) in the Field of Public Works.

