STUDI PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PELAKSANAAN PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR JALAN Studi Kasus Program Pembangunan Infrastruktur Pedesaan (PPIP) Nagari Kinali Kabupaten Pasaman Barat


  • M. Rafik
  • Alizar Hasan
  • Yutiar M Yost


The program of village infrastructure development (PPIP) was one of PNPM Program which held on 2008 still in the form of”pilot project”. The execution of PPIP at the village of Kinali, Kinali District in West Pasaman Regency, besides allocate the fund of PPIP also take the physical action due the development of road and bridge facility. The village of Kinali in west sumatera PPIP was one of the village get PPIP allocation. The lower of participative society in the program of PPIP due to feel worried among people because they felt the activity just give the advantages to certain group. For that reason this study aims to know the society participative level in the implementation of the road infrastructure development through ppip  at the village of kinali in west pasaman regency. The type of this research was field research. This research was also supported by secondary data and literature study, especially in organizing theoretical concept and literature review. The population of this research was all people were at the village Kinali at the county Sidodadi and Alamanda totally 1001 with the sample of 100 people. Technique used in this research was qualitative descriptive and supported by quantitative descriptive as well as cross tabulation. From qualitative data got score the primary data and then to be analyzed to describe in distribution frequency. From the result of research to the society participative, to the development of environment through PPIP program at the village kinali of West Pasaman Regency showed that being active of society was enough good, it can be seen from their participation in the planning, action and supervision  in the PPIP Program.   From the analysis of correlation socio-economic with their participation in the program of PPIP can be concluded that the participation level of society in the planning stages was influenced by their age (19,212), education (21,224), occupation (31,151) where x2 accounted < dari x2 table; while in the action stage the participation was influenced by age  (19,212), education (21,224), occupation (31,151) and income (8,683); and to the supervision stage, the society participation was influenced by gender (7,332), age (7,239), education (14,430) and occupation (19,426). Overall, the participation of society in the program of PPIP was influenced age, education and occupation.


Key words:     society participation, the program of village infrastructure development (PPIP), road infrastructure


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