Peoples, Self Empowerment National Program Urban is a program of the central government with the aim of reducing poverty in the middle of the people.Program entry in the province of West Sumatra city of Padang in 2006.khusus've all villages which get it.Program has a with Tri term power, namely environmental, Social, and Economy.Dari environmental terms, this program has the objective to improve or create a public infrastructure that is needed by the community .Infrastruktur in question is in the form of rebates concrete roads, drainage, toilets or other on.In the running program the very necessity of public participation in order to run well in the area. In Districk North Padang, community participation so is good, and there are also people who do not care about the program it. In Districk North Padang community participation in running the program is very good , it is evident with the success of the program in districk. Implementation of the program is the changing behavior of people do not care about the environment and infrastructure, be concerned about the infrastructure, because the program is run by the community.But here are also people who do not care it. problem the most dominant program in public attitudes change preformance management education and infrastructure are lower his high community. But Sawadaya public education is very influential for the smooth management of the program and its infrastructure, as well as local NGOs.
Key Words : Participation,programs,Behavior Change,Community,Insfrastructure
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