
  • Arlindawati .
  • Eni Kamal
  • Jhon Nurifdinsyah


This study aims to, Knowing the potential and conditions of mangrove forest contained in the Mandeh area of Koto XI District Tarusan of Pesisir Selatan Regency, Knowing the factors that affect the condition of mangrove forests in the Mandeh area of Koto XI District Tarusan of Pesisir Selatan Regency, Determine what efforts to do so the mangrove forests in in the Mandeh area of Koto XI District Tarusan of Pesisir Selatan Regency can be maintained. The data used in this study is primary data and secondary data. The types of primary data collected is biophysical data, covering coastal and marine biological resources (mangrove species, species of fish, mollusk), water quality data (temperature, salinity, pH), in the Mandeh. While secondary data include the socio-economic data, and the potential for coastal and marine conditions, as well as other supporting data. Biophysical methods of data collection was conducted using exploratory and descriptive studies as well as survey, through field measurements and laboratory analysis, while collecting social data was obtained directly at the location of the study through interviews with respondents with sample processing technique is purposive sampling. The results showed that the Pesisir Selatan Regency has the potential of coastal that is the mangrove forest with an area of + 2.549,55 Ha, and from the results of the study is identified 19 (nineteen) mangrove plant species, 6 (six) of mangrove species and 13 (thirteen) species of not typical mangrove and obtained 25 (twenty five) species of fish with 11 (eleven) family, as well as molluscs 26 (twenty six) types with 6 (six) families. SWOT analysis results, is obtained 6 (six) strategy needs to be done in the mangrove ecosystem in the Mandeh area in sustainable manner, are : 1) Addressing the lack of public understanding about the importance of mangroves and dissemination of legislation, 2) Overcoming encroachment, illegal logging and looting, 3) There should be a socialization allotment of land, 4) To provide guidance to coastal communities, 5) Development of tourism potential, and 6) Consolidation among agencies involved in the determination of the rights and powers of the mangrove forest.

Based on the mangrove forest potential and conditions contained in the Mandeh area of Koto XI District Tarusan of Pesisir Selatan Regency, in protecting and preserving the remaining mangrove forests in the Mandeh area, need to be managed well by socialization mangrove allotment of land and need fixing coordinative agency to manage the forest.


Keyword : mangrove, ecosystem, management


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