
  • Azwin .
  • Darmini Roza
  • Yuslim .


Since reform was introduced in the governmental administration system in Indonesia, lots of progress have been reached up to the present day but problems are however still found in some cities and district government in West Sumatra. Based on the evaluation by The Ministry of Home Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia in 2011 and 2012 against all level of provincial, districts and city governments through out Indonesia, there is only one regional government namely the City of Sawahlunto of the 12 districts and 7 cities in West Sumatra that comes into the national big 10 having best achievement in the government administration (2011). In order districts and city government can give best performance  and increase numbers of the regional Governments the Province of West Sumatra to be able to enter the big 10 of government administration with best performance in the national record ahead, it is highly emphasized that Governor as the representative central government in West Sumatra needs to increase its intensive management on the administration of ditricts and City governments. This study aims to finding out and analyzing management implementation, constraints, obstacles, and endeavours that have been made to overcome the said circumstances encountered by the governor as the government representative in carrying out management on government administration of district and city governments in the province of West Sumatra. In writing this thesis, the wtriter uses the method of yudicial social approach. The Implementation fostering regional  government administration of district and city government levels by the governor as the representative government in the Province of West Sumatra is not well-executed because the implementative and technical guidance on the implementation mechanism of management are not yet available but however the Governor with his regional secretary and head of related sectors of development remains to take initiative to carry out the management through the activities of coordinative meetings, socialization and on-going implementation programs and other activities attended by the whole existing district and city Governments in West Sumatra.

Keywords: Fostering,  regional government administration, of districts and city.


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