
  • Afrizal .
  • Eko Alvares. Z
  • Zulherman .


Sungai Penuh grew from the city in the form of a transit city for Kerinci various comodities to Padang at colonial period, evolve over time according to the Nedherlands Indisch plan, but at the end of the orde baru rezim is not likely to evolve in eccordance with the planning. During the period development continues to clean up the city and began to axhibit his city, from a city with agriculture basic to be a urban city, in the recent day, the character of rural area are still exist. At grow period of Sungai Penuh to be a urban city, Sungai Penuh encounter many problems as settlement issues, local regulations, human urban, regulation, development, implementations and monitoring of spatial planing , land use atc. Sungai Penuh grew by consentris pattern with colonial period streets pattern. Rings road as out of ring in the grew period. To find out trend of Sungai Penuh urban development, the authors axemine a heuristic Sungai Penuh city to updating informations, develop longitudinal evidence (from time to time), and provides derections for future development of the city, increase knowladge abaut the city in terms of the depelopment of spatial pattern, Structure and form and can determine the direction and pattern of development and unknown factors that may influence the development of the city during the period of it’s history, such an evaluation process, to find a solution to growth ahead  theory development or strengthening of axisting teories abaut the pattern of the development urban space.


KEY WORDS : Urban growth, City, Sungai Penuh


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