Peranan Switching Cost Memoderasi Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepuasan terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Deposito Bank BNI Cabang Sungai Penuh


  • Syafri .
  • Sefnedi .
  • Rika .




The banking sector palys an important role to support economic growth. However, nowadays the banking industry is facing keen competition. The success of the bank in order to win the competition is determined by customer loyalty. One of bank that is fully aware of the high level of competition in the banking industry and the importance of customer loyalty is the Bank of BNI Branch Sungai Penuh. Among the broad factors that are able to impact customer loyalty namely service quality, customer satisfaction and switching costs. The purpose of this research is to inversigate the moderating role of switching costs on the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The population of this study is all customer deposits at Bank BNI Branch Sungai Penuh which accounted for 274 customers. The numbers of useful samples were 163 customers by performing simple random sampling method. In order to conduct hypotheses development, this research performs hierarchical regression analysis by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 19.0. The results of analysis show that 1) Service quality and customer satisfaction positively and significantly impact customer loyalty. 2) Switching costs is found to have positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. 3) Switching costs strengthens the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty. 4) Switching costs strengthens the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The results of analysis provide practical implication to head office of Bank BNI Branch Sungai Penuh that in order to increase the level of customer loyalty future, it is recommended to enhancing service quality, customer satisfaction and switching costs.


Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Switching Costs, and Customer Loyalty.


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