Pengaruh Citra Kandidat, Kepercayaan, Promosi Politik dan Money Politic terhadap Kepusan Konstituen Memilih Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Pasaman Barat


  • Fauzan Bur
  • Sefnedi .
  • Irda .


Systematic change of the local election candidate has given many opportunities for regional head proposed by both political parties as well as of individuals, therefore it directly has created a high intensity of competition in local elections.

One of the areas that experienced the high level of competition in regional head elections is West Pasaman. Among the broad factors that are able to impact constituents election namely candidate image, trust, political promotion, and money politics. The purpose of this research is to inversigate the effect of candidate image, trust, political promotion, and money politics on constituents decision of regional head election. The population of this study is all constituents which located in west Pasaman I that accounted for 59,332 constituents. The numbers of useful samples were 398 constitunets by performing quota sampling method. In order to conduct hypotheses development, this research performs multiple regression analysis by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 19.0. The results of analysis found that 1) candidate image, trust, political promotion, and money politics positively and significantly affect constituents decision of regional head election. 2) Trust is found to have the strongest effect constituents’ decision of regional head election, and then followed by candidate image, political promotion, and money politic respectively. 3) Constituents decision of regional head election is explained by candidate image, trust, political promotion, and money politics approximately 35.8%. The results of analysis provide practical implication to candidates of regional head election that in order to win election competition future, it is recommended to consider the factors of trust, candidate image, political promotion as well as money politics.


Keywords: Image, Trust, Political promotion, Money Politics, and Constituents Decision.


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