
  • Elda Liswanti
  • Sefnedi .
  • Yulihar Mukhtar


Birth certificate is an official document recognition of parents to their childrens and nation. One of regions that is concerned with the improvement of the administration on birth certificate in order to increase public satisfaction is Sungai Penuh City. Among the broad factors that are able to impact public satisfaction namely servise quality, brand image and customer value. The purpose of this research is to inversigate the moderating role of customer value on the relationship between service quality, brand image and public satisfaction. The research population is all entire communities who received service quality of birth certificate issuance in the period of September 2013. In order to conduct hypotheses development, this research performs hierarchical regression analysis by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 19.0. The results of analysis display that 1) Service quality and brand image influence positively and significantly public satisfaction. 2) Customer value are found to have positive and significant effect on public satisfaction. 3) Customer value strengthens the relationship between service quality and public satisfaction. 4) Customer value strengthens the relationship between brand image and public satisfaction. The results of analysis provide practical implication to head office of civil registration that in order to increase the level of public satisfaction future, it is recommended to enhancing service quality, brand image and customer value.


Keywords: Service Quality, Brand Image, Customer Value, Public Satisfaction.


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