
  • Atman .
  • Syafrizal Chan
  • Yuhelmi .


This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of compensation , work motivation , job satisfaction and organizational commitment to employee performance of the National Land Agency Regional Office of West Sumatra Province . This study uses a quantitative approach, quantitative approach that is intended to test the research hypotheses by using multiple linear regression analysis. The data used is primary data collected from field surveys. This study aims to see firsthand the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable.

The results of research on the National Land Agency Regional Office of West Sumatra province to 84 employees. Included into the category of employee performance appraisal good for a total score of 5315 and a mean of 4.21 with the level of attainment of respondents ( TCR ) of 84.36 %. It is expected that under the leadership of efforts to improve performance while maintaining the performance of employees and to always be better . This effort can be done through refresher training to instill values - values that need to complete the work effectively and efficiently , refreshing so employees do not feel bored and performance can be maintained and give appreciation to employees because most of their time in office has been used for work. As for the variables included into the category of high compensation for a total score of 4255, and 4.22 with a mean achievement level of respondents (TCR ) of 84.42 % . It is expected that leaders make efforts so that employee compensation to be higher again , one of them with a guaranteed annuity . Further motivation for the work variables included into the category of high valuation for a total score of 55.42 and a mean of 4.39 with the level of attainment of respondents ( TCR ) of 87.96 % . In the event that the leaders are expected to make efforts so that employee motivation becomes even higher in the future, one of them by instilling values - values that need to be maintained attitude really - really to improve performance in the future and improve the attitude that the need to set goals and achieve objectives realistic in the works . For job satisfaction variables included into the category of good judgment with a total value of 2493 and a mean score of 4.24 with the level of attainment of respondents ( TCR ) of 84.79 % .

In this case the leader is expected to make efforts so that employee satisfaction in order to become better in the future by way of retaining their efforts in order to have a chance to do things- things of value ( important), increase their efforts in order to have the opportunity to participate in decision-making in workplace, maintaining a sense of pride that effort with the opportunities they have right now in doing the job and the organization 's commitment to the variables included in the high category with a total value of 8565 and an average score of 4.43, while the level of achievement of the respondents ( TCR ) sebear 88.66 %.

In this case the leader is expected to pay more attention to the organizational commitment of employees through the cultivation of values and norms in the workplace so that employees feel at home working, a high sense of belonging that is not easily moved to other agencies.

Keyword: Effect of Compensation, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Employees


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