
  • Junaidi Rasul
  • Syafrizal Chan
  • Surya Darma


This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of leadership roles, reward systems and competence on teacher performance smp country Kuranji District of Padang . This study uses a quantitative approach , quantitative approach that is intended to test the research hypotheses by using multiple linear regression analysis . The data used is primary data collected from field surveys. This study aims to see firsthand the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of the study on Secondary Schools of the District of Padang Kuranji 60 teachers. Performance appraisal of teachers included into the category simply by a total score of 1964 and a value of 3.60 while the average achievement level of respondents ( TCR ) of 72.06 % .This means that the performance of teachers must be considered by the principal that the teacher 's performance can be improved. As for the variables included into the category of leadership roles both with the total score of 2949 and a mean of 4.09 , while the level of achievement of the respondents ( TCR ) of 81.09 %. It means leadership role should be maintained if possible further enhanced for the better. Furthermore, for the variables included into the system of reward fairly the value of the assessment categories 26.20 and the mean total score of 3.96 , while the level of achievement of the respondents ( TCR ) of 79.02 % . This means that given a reward system should reward system still less should be considered by the principal that the teacher 's performance can be increased. As for the variables included in the category of assessment Competency well with a total value of 31.34 and a mean score of 4.37 , while the level of achievement of the respondents ( TCR ) of 87.53 % . It is recommended to further research to develop this peneilitan both in terms of population and number of samples and research areas as well as by adding several factors or variables that are believed to affect the performance of employees.

Keyword : Leadership, Reward System Performance And Competence Of State District Teachers Junior Kuranji Padang City


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