
  • Devi Febriza
  • Syafrizal Chan
  • Yuhelmi .


This study aims to disclose: The direct effect of job conflict and the leadership style on the staff performance; The direct effect of job conflict and the leadership style on the job satisfaction; The direct effect of job satisfaction on the staff performance;  The indirect effect of job conflict and the leadership style on the staff performance through job satisfaction.

This study is a causal design. The research population is the number of all civil servants working for Department of Social Affairs and Manpower of Padang City totaling 105 persons. They are all also the research respondents. 

The analysis methods used in this study are : descriptive analysis, model feasibility test, classic assumption tests (linearity test, normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroxedasticity test), multiple linear regression analysis, simple linear regression analysis, stratified regression analysis, determination coefficient and hypothetical test.

            The study findings show that:  job conflict affects the job satisfaction negatively and significantly, the leadership style affects the job satisfaction positively and significantly, and the job satisfaction affects the staff performance positively and significantly. The job satisfaction acts as the intervening variable amongst job conflict, leadership style and the staff performance. The magnitude of the indirect effect of job conflict and leadership style variables through job satisfaction variable is 36.5%, whereas their direct effect without going through job satisfaction is 21,2%. Thus it can be concluded that the effect of job satisfaction as the intervening variable is 15,2%.

            This study suggests that job conflict be reduced, leadership style and job satisfaction be improved to enhance the staff performance.


 Keywords: job conflict, leadership style, job satisfaction,   the staff performance


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