Peranan Locus of ControlSebagai Pemoderasi Hubungan Peran, Kepuasan Kerja dan Budaya Organisasi dengan Komitmen Organisasi Sektor Publik


  • Ernawita .
  • Zaitul .
  • Rika .


Organizational commitment has been proven as an important variabel either in private nor government organization. One of governmental organization that has attention on organizational commitment education office located in Padang city. Among variables that can impact organizational commitment are role conflict, job satisfaction, organizational culture, and locus of control. The purpose of this research is to inversigate the moderating role of locus of control on the relationship between role conflict, job satisfaction, organizational culture and organizational commitment. The research population is all employees who involve at educational office, Padang City that accounted for 127 employees. This research used all entire population as respondents. In order to test hypotheses development, this research performs moderated regression analyses by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. The results show that a)Role conflict influences organizational commitment negatively and significantly. b) Job satisfaction and organizational culture positively and significantly effect organizational commitment. c) Locus of control is found to have positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. d) Locus of control weakens the relationship between role conflict and organizational commitment, e) Locus of control strengthens the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational culture and organizational commitment. The research findings provide practical implementation that in order to enhancing organizational commitment later, it is recommended to decrease role conflict and increase job satisfaction, organizational culture as well as locus of control.


Keywords:Role Conflict, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, Locus of Control, and Organizational Commitment.


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