
  • Liza Permana Sari
  • Nasfryzal Carlo
  • Yusrizal Bakar


Today, mutu is an important thing to survive in competition for service industry, contruction or manufacture. One that can apply is total quality management (TQM) system. Not all construction company success in implementation of TQM. This is because of some obstacles in implementation. Objective of research was identified level of application of obstacle factors and variables in TQM implementation on construction company in Jambi Province. Subject of research was contractor with grade 5 and 6. The methods used were descriptive statistic and gap analysis. Based on literature review and previous research, research found 9 factors with 33 variables application of TQM in Jambi Province. Overall, result show that level of application of TQM variables in Jambi Province was quite good, even 4 variables gave level of application that exceed of expectation. The dominant obstacles in implementation of TQM were (a) good communication within department and staff, (b) made innovation in construction methods and technologies, (c) teamwork and employee involvement to achieved continuous improvement for a better quality, (d) effective communication on top-down and bottom-up, (e) teamwork and employee involvement in daily works to achieve quality culture and (f) availability of facility and technology to support work.

Key words : TQM, Construction Company, Obstacles of TQM Implementation


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