
  • Tosweri .
  • Alizar Hasan
  • Wardi .


In project work related to the river region, irrigation, swamp, and so involves many parties with a unique and complex process. Contractor as the major river basin project is an element that is very influential on the implementation of the project. For government procurement, the winner of the tender is the lowest bid that meets the administrative requirements and techniques. The reality on the ground there are many factors that can affect the decline contractors bid on the job center Sumatra region V. This thesis aims to determine the average percentage decrease in supply is carried out by contractors, factors affecting the decline in the Employment Center offers contractors Sumatera River Center Region V. This study ever conducted on contractors carrying out projects on Sumatra River Center Region V Hall by distributing questionnaires. Processing of questionnaire data by using SPSS 15.0 for Windows. The results showed that the average percentage decrease in supply is carried out by contractors in some areas in West Sumatra at 16.37 %. The most influential factor as the cause of a decrease in supply is a very strong material price, material quality, long work, the amount of labor , the price of specific work, mobilization, equipment operator wages, rent, hours of work tools, office rent and office operations, the cost of preparatory work, general equipment and vehicles, insurance, bank position, licensing and employment risk.

Keywords : The factors decrease in supply, Construction Project


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