Pengaruh Produk, Promosi dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Memasang Iklan dengan Citra TVRI sebagai Variabel Moderasi


  • Widodo .
  • Sefnedi .
  • Yulihar Mukhtar


Television advertising business has been growing and creating keen competition as consequence of Indonesian broadcasting rule number 32 in the Years of 2002. Therefore, in order to win the competition, every television business needs to develop their understanding of consumer behavior particularly in buying decision. One of television business always realizes the importance of consumer buying decision process is Television of Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) located in west Sumatera. Based on literature review, it is found that the variables of product, promotion, price, and corporate image as determinant of consumer buying decision. The purpose of this research is to examine the moderating role of TVRI image on the relationship between product, promotion, price and consumer advertising decision. The research respondents are private and government organizations who have decided to advertize their goods and services in TVRI West Sumatera during the Years of 2012. In order to test hypotheses development, this research performs hierarchical regression analysis by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 15.0. The results of analysis display that the variable of promotion is found to have positive effect on consumer advertising decision. However, the variables of product, price and TVRI image are found to have insignificant effent on consumer advertising decision. Furthermore, the result of analysis shows that TVRI image strengthens the relationship between promotion and consumer advertising decision. The variable of TVRI image does not moderate the relationship between product, promotion, price and consumer advertising decision. The research findings provide practical implication to TVRI West Sumatera management that in order to increase numbers of advertising customers, it is recommended to enhancing promotion and corporate image.


Keywords : Product, Promotion, Price, Corporate Image, and Buying Decision


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