Pengaruh Motivasi, Persepsi, Keluarga dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Mahasiswa Memilih STIE YAPPAS Simpang Empat dan Lokasi Sebagai Variabel Moderating


  • Erdawati .
  • Yesi Elsandra
  • Eni Kamal


Hihg Education sector is well recognized as an important role to develop every region and county. On the other hands, the high education sector particularly private high education sector has been growing rapidly and facing keen competition. In order to win the competition, private high education needs to develop their understanding of consumer behavior in buying decision. One of prive high education always realizes the importance of consumer buying decision process is STIE YAPPAS located in west Pasaman. Based on literature review, it is found that the variables of motivation, perception, family, price, and place as determinants of consumer buying decision. The purpose of this research is to examine the moderating role of place on the relationship between motivation, perception, family, price, and consumer buying decision. The number of usefull sampel was 248 students by performing accidental sampling method. In order to test hypotheses development, this research performs moderated regression analysis. The results of analysis display that the variable of motivation, perception, family, price, and place were found to have significant impact on consumer buying decision. However, the variables of place did not strengthen the relationship between motivation, perception, family, price and consumer buying decision. The research findings provide practical implication to STIE YAPPAS management that in order to increase numbers of new student future, it is recommended to enhancing their understanding of motivation, perception, family, and price as well as place.

Keywords: Motivation, Perception, Family, Price, and Buying Decision


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