Pengaruh Belanja Modal Dalam Memediasi Hubungan Antara PAD dan DAU Terhadap Pendapatan Perkapita Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jambi


  • Helen Afriani
  • Nelmida .
  • Antoni .


This study is a modification of Walidi study (2009 ) of the General Allocation Fund Effect on Per Capita Income, Capital Expenditure as an intervening variable (case study in the province of North Sumatra ). While more research now on Effect of Capital Expenditure judge in mediating the relationship between revenue (PAD) and the General Allocation Fund (DAU) Against Income Per Capita County / City of  Province. The population in this study are all government district / municipality in the province of Jambi after the splitting of a total of 11 districts / cities . The sampling technique used in this study is the sampling population , ie all populations were subjected to experiments . Year study period was from 2009 - 2012 (4 years) , the research data there are 44units (11 regencies / cities x 4 years = 44 units ). Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with SPSS 17 , found that there are significant positive effects of significant local revenue (PAD) and a significant negative effect of the general allocation fund (DAU) of the per capita income of Regency/City of Jambi Province . Furthermore, there is also found a significant positive effect on per capita income, capital expenditure County / City of Jambi Province . The results of this study also indicate there is positive and negative revenue (PAD) and the general allocation fund (DAU) and the capital expenditure . While the role of intervening variables in this study also revealed that there is a not significant influence revenue (PAD) and the negative influence of the general allocation fund (DA ) of the per capita income through capital expenditures .


Keywords        :  Regional Revenue (PAD), the General Allocation Fund (DAU), Capital Expenditure and Income Per Capita


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