Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Manajerial, Motivasi Berprestasi dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Kepala Sekolah Dasar Se Pasaman Barat


  • A. Yani
  • Sulastri .
  • Erni Febrina Harahap


The aim of the study is to see how Manajerial Leadership, Achievement Motivation and Work discipline affect principle performance. From the data processing using SPSS 15.0. There is positive and significant influence Manajerial Leadership variabel (X1), Achievement Motivation (X2) and Work discipline (X3) on the performance of school principals (Y) at SD (Elementary School) in the West Pasaman, with a regression coefficient of 1.781, significance 0,315 and 0,006 for Managerial Leadership, Achievement Motivation a regression coefficient 0,225 and significance 0,0019  and 0,419 significance 0,000 for labor discipline and the value of R Square 0,312. F test was obtained for 14.265 with significance level of 0,000.


Kata Kunci :  Kepemimpinan Manajerial, Motivasi Berprestasi, Disiplin Kerja, Kinerja  Kepala Sekolah


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