The Effect of Information Sharing and Involvement in Decision Making on the Cynicism toward Organizational Change: Active Orientation as Moderating Variable.


  • Iryunisma .
  • Zaitul .
  • Antoni .


Organizational Change Cynicism (OCC) is believed as a factor affecting the change performance. however, a limited study has been done in this area, especially in public sector. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between information sharing, involvent in decision making and OCC. Specifically, this study also examine the role of active orientation as moderating variable. The object of the study is  Dinas Peternakan and Perikanan Kota Sungai Penuh, which a division that has just changed its structure. This study has developed four hypotheses and use 53 respondent from this dividion. By using the moderated regression analysis, we find that there is significantly effect of information sharing, involvement in decision-making on OCC. In addition, active orientation is successfully moderated the relationship between information sharing, involvement in decision making and OCC. However, information sharing has a negative effect on the OCC. This study has a practical implication in the sense that to decrease the OCC, organization can involve the staff in decision making.

Keywords  : Information Sharing, involvement in decision-making, active orientation and organizational change cynicism


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