Student competence in writing can be seen by the ability to use words effectively and communicative. The writing competence refers to the competence of writing ad line that are affected by the competence of Indonesian vocabulary and reading comprehension competence. This study aims to examine : (1) contribution to the Indonesian vocabulary competence of writing ad line for grade IX students of SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang, (2) contribution to the understanding of reading competence toward competence of writing ad line for grade IX students of SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang, (3) the contribution of competency Indonesian vocabulary and reading comprehension competence toward writing competence of students classifies ad line for grade IX students of Kartika 1-6 Padang. This type of research is a quantitative study using a descriptive approach. The research object is a class IX student of SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang, the study population sample of 113 people with 40 people. Analysis using multiple regression. Data were calculated by using SPSS version 15.00. The results showed that: (1) contribution to the Indonesian vocabulary competence to write a classified ad for a sig 0.18, 0,518, 51,80 % with a coefficient of determinatio, (2) the contribution of reading comprehension competence to write a classified ad for 0.023 with a 0,473, sig determination coefficient of 47.30 %, (3) competency Indonesian vocabulary and reading comprehension competence jointly contributed to the writing competence of classified ads sig 0.007, 0.637, 63,70 % with a coefficient of determinatio . Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the competence of Indonesian vocabulary and reading comprehension competence contribute to the writing competence of students classified ad line for grade XI students of SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang.
Keywords: Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Writing ad line
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