Analisis Efisiensi Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Minyak Melalui Proses Elektrolisa Air Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Ekonomi Nelayan (Studi Kasus Kapal Latih SUPM Pariaman)


  • Amdani .
  • Alfian Zein
  • Edi Septe


Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world 3.1 million km ² of ocean.  The Potential sustainable fisheries resources of Indonesia reached 6.26 million tons per year and only used approximately 58.5 % .  Utilization of the fishery resources having some problems, one of them is the high cost needed  by fisherman to catch fish, due to the use of diesel  fuel is relatively large .   Ministry of Marine and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia , calculates that the cost of diesel fuel ranged between 40-60 % of the total operational costs needed by fishermen.  Indonesia currently has 6,830 fishing vessels operating in waters ZEEI , which 75 % of them only 100 GT in size.  In West Sumatra  the fishing vessel used by fisherman only on and verage between 5-50 GT, and there are  1,404 fishing vessel.   Because of the high coas of the diesel fuel makes the fisherman have difficulty in catching the fish.  The income of the fishermen to go to sea ranged from Rp 25.000 , - to Rp 50.000 , - . The profit of catching fish only complete daily need of the fisherman family.  One effort to increase the income of fishermen is by reducing the usage of diesel fuel.  Such efforts can be achieved by utilizing hydrogen in the combustion process.  Research conducted showed that technically the use of hydrogen gas from water on the ship diesel engine can save fuel consumption up to 49 % diesel . With the fuel savings can economically increase fishermen's income up to 20-30 % each month . In addition , the use of hydrogen gas in the combustion process of a diesel engine fishing vessel also have an impact on the sound of the motor is much smoother and the exhaust gas is almost zero in emission.

Keywords : fisheries resourcer, fishing vessel, diesel fuel, hydrogen gas


Al Qur’an, Al-Waqi’ah (QS 56) ayat 68 : Pernahkah Kamu Memperhatikan Air Yang Kamu Minum

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