Analisa Keterlambatan Penyelesaian Proyek Jalan Berdasarkan Aspek Manajemen Konstruksi dan Manajemen Risiko


  • Syafrial .
  • Zaidir .
  • Nursyaifi Yulius


This study aimed to answer two main problems associated with delay in work on road construction projects undertaken Hall Bridge Road West Sumatra Regional Department of Public Works, of which is to determine the exact cause of the delays in work predominantly from the aspects of construction management and know exactly preventive measures (preventive) and repair (corrective) which must be based on the role and function of each of the parties involved in the execution of the work in terms of risk management approaches. To get accurate results, this study begins with an assessment expert opinion to know things are suspected as the cause of delay is based on several phases of work that begins with the initiation, planning, execution and supervision of work until closing. Based on the analysis conducted with uses ranging from factor analysis, analysis of risk by regression analysis it can be concluded that there are three main things that cause delays in the selection of subcontractors including incompetent (x15), does not consider the condition of the field (x35) and not conducted a review and monitoring periodic internal (x49). Of the three factors obtained adjusted R2 value = 0.815, R2 values were obtained close to which shows that the independent variables provide information needed to predict the variation in the dependent variable was 81.5%, while the remaining 18.5% are other factors that was suspected as the cause of the delay. The final results of this study concluded that some corrective action can be done, among others, the need for more thorough field survey and the completeness of the procedure (SOP) and the standard format in conducting field surveys and review and monitoring intensively.

Keywords: Delay in Implementation of Works, Corrective Actions


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