
  • Arifin .
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yetisma Saini


Vicarious liability in principle is a refinement and deepening of the regulative principle of juridical moral is in certain respects a person's perceived responsibility should extend to the acts of his subordinates who do work or act for him or within the limits of his command. There are two important requirements that must be met in order to apply a criminal act with which vicarious liability there must be a relationship such as employment relationship between employer and employee or worker and criminal acts committed by an employee or worker must be related or are still within the scope of his work. Implementation or application of the doctrine of vicarious liability in the case of a traffic accident in the jurisdiction of the District Court of Class IA Champaign divided into civil liability and criminal liability. Perpetrators of criminal responsibility ditanggug by traffic accidents and losses incurred are borne by the actors who work. While consideration of the judge applying the doctrine of vicarious liability is the working relationship between the perpetrator traffic accident that Defendant C as a truck driver with Defendant A, the employer of Defendant C and the work done was within the scope of employment as a truck driver Defendant A. This can be seen in decision No Traffic Accident Case. 70 Pdt.G/2006 / PN.Pdg Jurisdiction in the District Court of Class IA Champaign.

Keywords: Implementasi, Vicarius Liability, Traffic Accidents


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