Road as a liaison with other areas of the region is very need to get special treatment in securing roads a result of the landslides that could disrupt road users and distribution of goods. The distance and time mobilization of heavy equipment from the base camp to the location of the disaster will affect the slow or fast heavy equipment arrived at the disaster site. For it is necessary the study of the placement of the base camp heavy equipment that analyze time to the disaster site with the aim to search for the optimum location of base camp with the minimum time and identify vulnerabilities landslides period time to come. The Methode that used are simulation techniques with Probability method (Randon Number) with Single Origin, that 1 (one) and heavy equiment that used is Wheel Loader with speed 25 km/ hours. The result of this research state need replacement new location base camp: Padang Panjang STA 61+900, from location eksisting STA 65 + 500, with displacement distance 3,6 km, Payakumbuh STA163+000, from location eksisting STA 178 + 000, with displacement distance 15 km, Bangkinag STA 83+000, from location eksisting STA 76 + 400, with displacement distance 6,6 km, Dhamasraya STA 115 + 000, from location eksisting STA 184+000, with displacement distance 69 km, Ma. Bungo STA 194+700, from location eksisting STA 251 + 000 with displacement distance 56,300 km, Ma. Tembesi STA 83+260, from location eksisting STA 88 + 400, with displacement distance 5,140 km. The following locations periods 2014 s / d in 2017; Padang Panjang STA 60+000 s/d 65+000 with 37 times the landslide , Payakumbuh 145+000 s/d 155+000 with 41 times the landslide, Bangkinang STA 75+000 s/d 85+000 with 38 times the landslide, Solok STA 80+000 s/d 100+000 with 41 times the landslide Dhamasraya STA 125+000 s/d 140+000 with 62 times the landslide, Ma. Bungo STA 191+000 s/d 197+000 with 45 times the landslide, Ma. Tembesi STA 120+000 s/d 150+000 with 41 times the landslide.
Keywords: landslide disasters, base camp of location, travel time.
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