
  • Yandra Okrisandi
  • Syafrizal Chan
  • Ice Kamela


This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of individual competence, motivation and
organizational culture on employee performance. This study design is causality. The
population is all employees of the Sekretariat Daerah Kerinci Region is numbering 125
person. The number of samples is 118 person. Technique is a method of data collection
questionnaire. Analysis of data to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression. The results
of this study found that 1) the individual competencies significant positive effect on the
performance of employees with a regression coefficient of 0.247. The higher the competence
of the individual, the higher the performance of employees. 2) Motivation of significant
positive effect on employee performance with a regression coefficient of 0.155. The higher
employee motivation, the higher the performance of employees. 3) Cultural organizations
significant positive effect on the performance of employees with a regression coefficient of
0.159. The better the culture of the organization, the higher the performance of employees.
The advice can be delivered based on the results of the research are: 1) In an effort to
improve employee performance recommended to the leadership of the Sekretariat Daerah
Kerinci Region in order to improve the competence of individual employees in work. Efforts
to do is provide employees with equal opportunities to participate in training to improve
employee job performance. 2) To the leadership element to increase employee motivation by
encouraging employees to be able to give effect to the other employees in the work and
encourage employees to be able to cooperate with colleagues in completing a difficult job. 3)
leadership in order to improve the organizational culture of employees in carrying out the
task by giving freedom to employees to be able to carry out a good job as long as it does not
violate any applicable laws and encourage employees to complete the work that is able to
explain the good-bad employee skills.

Keywords : Individual Competence, Work Motivation, Organizational Culture,
Employee Performance


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