
  • Meriussoni Zai
  • Arlius .
  • Suparno .


The study zoning of marine protected area of the Regency of North Nias research was conducted, the method of the research was surveys and literary study as well as analyzing the data qualitatively and quantitatively. The aim of the research is to determine the compatibility of the marine protected area of North Nias type and to arrange as well as to determine of zoning in the map of the marine protected area of the Regency of North Nias. The research finds that the marine protected area of the Regency of North Nias includes ecosystem conservation and belongs to marine tourism with the criteria of ecology, society, culture, and economy with the aim of its management is for the benefits of marine tourism and recreation. Marine protected area of the Regency of North Nias has an area of 29.000 ha. It consists of four zoning systems; Core zone, with the area of 667 ha, is 2,3% of the total area width and scatters in 9 locations. Sustainable fisheries zone, with the area of 27.673,2 ha and there are three sub zones: a sustainable coral fish catch zone 3.689,3 ha; a sustainable pelagic fish catch 6.275,6 ha, aquaculture cultivation development zone 5,85 ha. Utilization zone with an area of 693,9 ha and exists in 8 locations for the activities of habitat preservation and fish population, marine tourism, and recreation. Special zone for ocean biota protection and rehabilitation with an area of 13,1 ha and it is for the protection and rehabilitation of ocean biota.

Key Words: Zoning, Marine Protected Area, Regency of North Nias


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