
  • Mat Sardin
  • Darmini Roza
  • Nurbeti .


The region regulations are contrary to the public interest and/or legislation higher can be
canceled by the central government; The decision to cancellation of region regulations
stipulated by presidential decree. In practice cancellation region of regulation implemented by
the minister of home affairs decree, through the clarification procedure known as a repressive
control. There are problems discussed in this research: First, how is authority cancellation of
the region regulation in the perspective toetsingsrecht of regulations of law?. Secondly, how is
authority cancellation of region regulation by the minister of home affairs seen from of authority
theory?. Third, how is authority cancellation of region regulation by the minister of home affairs
seen from the principles of the rule of laws?. This research is normative law research about the
cancellation of authority to region regulations with is using research methods statute approach
and conceptual approach. While the analysis of primary and secondary legal materials used in
this research is a qualitative analysis. The results reseach showed that: First, authority
cancellation of region regulation seen from in perspective toetsingsrecht of regulation of law any
inconsistency between the provisions in the state constitution of the Republic of Indonesia the
year 1945 with regulations of laws under it. Second, authority cancellation of region regulation
by the minister of home affairs seen from the authority theories is flawed authority. Third,
authority cancellation of region regulation by the minister of home affairs seen from in the rule
of law is un accordance with the principle of legality the rule of state.

Keywords: authority, cancellation, region, regulation.


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