The paper deals with the hierarchical perception of politeness strategiesin the speech act of
governing used by the students of SMP Negeri 13 Kerinci based on different listener. It also
describes and explainsthe hierarchical perception of politeness strategies used by the students
based on gender differences, -male and female-, andex plains the comparison between the
hierarchy of students’perceptionof politeness strategies based on different partner sspeec
handgender. The subjects were students of SMP Negeri13Kerinci. The research datain terms of
students assessment to a number ofspeech act of commanding. In analyzingthe data, the writer
usedsome concepts proposed by Gunarwan(1992, 1994) on the perceptionof politenes sdirective in
Indonesian, Searle cited by Yule(1996) about the speech act, Brown and Levinson (1987) on
linguistic politeness strategies, Leech (1983) that states about politeness scale, and Sobur(2013)
that tells abou tperception. Data were collected by questionnaire survey and interview techniques.
Analysis ofthe data using a combination of methods (mixedmethods) stated by Sugiyono(2013).
From the data analysis, the writer found(1) some differences of the students’ perception between
known and unknown speakers and opponents,(2) the different of male students’ perception and
female students’ perception hierarchically, (3) the differences and similarities of perception
between speakers and opponents based on gender perception. As a result, female students tend to
use the strategies on record with redressive action interms of positive politeness, and then the use
off record strategy.
Keywords: perception, speech act, politeness strategy
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