Increased irrigation development projects have an impact on changes in the dimensionsof the project. Project dimensions that must be considered include the quality and
quantity of the completion of the project. There are several obstacles in the completion
of the work, one of which is in terms of the readiness of human resources who are
competent to carry out the work properly and effectively. Starting from this
phenomenon, this study aimed to determine the factors that influence the competence of
the successful implementation of the monitoring will be carried out on irrigation works,
especially in Kerinci, the second objective of this study was to determine the most
influential factors of existing competencies to the achievement of optimal control
function. The research variables are identified based on competency standards contained
in SKKNI. Instrument research using questionnaires and a linear regression method and
the frequency distribution of the data processing. The final results obtained are 3 factors
that affect the achievement of the competence of the supervisory function that expertise
and knowledge managers in terms of the contract documents, negotiations, methods and
techniques of analysis and evaluation of the implementation of the work, skill and
knowledge managers in terms of environmental impact control, security and the
provision of resources, expertise and knowledge in terms of project administration.
While the overall statistical factors already known to have an influence on the
successful execution of irrigation works supervision amounted to 97.3% with the most
significant effect caused by two variables representing the three factors, X2 (master the
technical specifications) of 35.7% and X29 (Interact with the community) of 36.9%
Keywords : Competence, Supervision Function, Irrigation Works
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