
  • Nelvia Susmita
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Eva Krisna


This research starts from observations carried out in SMP Negeri 12 Kerinci.
Observationally it is known that in the process of learning, particularly language learning
Indonesia tend to use instead of code and language code mixed Indonesia into local
languages (Kerinci, Minangkabau, Jambi). The use of code switching and code interference
by teachers and students in the learning process Indonesian in SMP Negeri 12 Kerinci very
interesting to be investigated, so as to provide an overview over the use of mixed code and
the code is done by teachers and students. This study aimed to describe the form, types,
causes, and functions of code switching and mixed code. The theory, which provided the
Foundation for analyzing over code and mix code in this study is taken from Suwito (1983),
Ohoiwutun (2002), Chaer (2010), Siregar (2011), and Rokhman (2013). This research is
qualitative research. The data of this study is the language used by teachers and students in
the learning process Indonesian in SMP Negeri 12 Kerinci. In qualitative research, which
became an instrument or tool is the researcher's own research. To collect the data in this
study include the observation (see), recording technique (video) and field notes. After data
collection was continued by analyzing the forms, types, causes and functions of code
switching and mixed code. Based on research data that found (1) a form of code and mixed
code: (a) over the code clause; and (b) mixed code in the form of a word and phrase. (2)
Types of code and mixed code found, namely: (a) over the code and mix internal code and (b)
over the code and code external interference. (3) Factors causing over existing code 2,
namely: (a) changes in the situation and (b) affected the speaker. While the causes of mixed
code that is: (a) habit, (b) vocabulary, and (c) humor. (4) The transfer function of the code:
(a) to explain; (b) ask; (c) scold; (d) asserted; and (e) reminded. Furthermore mixed function
code that is: (a) as replacement sentence and (b) familiarizing. From the results it can be
concluded that the use of the code more often used by students and teachers in the process of
language learning Indonesia. The use of mixed code and code that are often found in the
form of words and sentences. Instead of code that used students and teachers at a time when
Indonesia language learning has a reason and a clear function. In connection with this,
along with an increased ability to control language owned by students whether oral or
written, Indonesia language teachers SMP Negeri 12 Kerinci needs to restrict the use of
mixed code and code in the Indonesia language teaching in the classroom.
Keywords: code switching, mixed code, forms, types, causes, and function


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