
  • Rifiantoni .
  • Alizar Hasan
  • Yusrizal Bakar


One of the opportunities to improve the performance of contractors is to improve
understanding of TQM. The concept of TQM is an approach to management in running the
business that tries to maximize the competitiveness of the organization through continuous
improvement of the products, services, labor. In this case, the contractor being the only party
that has the authority under the TQM formation, is customer satisfaction, respect for each
person, fact-based management, continuous improvement. This study aims to Determine how
the implementation of TQM Carried out by the Public Works Department partners contractor
of Kota Sungai Penuh, TQM Determine the factors that need to be Considered by the
contractor to improve performance both in terms of time, cost or quality, and Determine TQM
the significant factors affecting low achievement for future performance. The results
concluded that there are three factors of TQM play the which has a significant influence on
the performance of contractors the ability to manage time dating situation, the motivation to
perform continuous improvement, communication skills and awareness of quality.
Statistically TQM third factor is jointly Affect the performance of contractors amounted to the
value of R2 = 88.2% and the remaining 11.8% is influenced by other factors. The results of
the factor analysis Also Provides information that the regression equation that describes the
relationship between the influence factors on the ability of TQM resolve the Contractor in
accordance Work Planning can be used to assess future performance.
Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM), Performance Contractors


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