CAPAIAN KINERJA BIAYA PROYEK BANGUNAN AIR (Studi Kasus Pada Proyek Bangunan Air Kantor Balai Wilayah Sungai Sumatera V)


  • Desrinur .
  • Zaidir .
  • Yusrizal Bakar


The construction project is a dynamic field and risky. Risk can impact the productivity,
performance, quality and cost of the project and limitations. Risk can be said to be a result that
may occur unexpectedly. Although some activities have been planned as possible, but still
contains uncertainties that will be run entirely according to plan. Risk on construction projects
however can not be eliminated but can be reduced or transferred from one party to the other
party.When the risk of disruption will have an impact on the overall performance of the project
so that it can cause harm to the cost, time and quality of work. The actors in the construction
industry is now increasingly aware of the importance of considering the problem of risk on
projects handled, due to errors in predicting and addressing the risk would have a negative
impact, either directly or indirectly in the construction project. Moving on from this condition,
the need for an analysis relating to the initial objectives of the risk management of construction
projects aimed at reducing the risk and impact of risk will occur. This study aims to find risk
factors suspected of having an influence on the achievement of the performance cost of the
project is based on the stages of planning, implementation and evaluation. The results of the
analysis using regression equation concluded that there are four dimensions of forty who
successfully identified as a cause of low performance cost performance on projects
implemented last three years, including: restrictions (constraints) project unclear and confusing
(x2); poor communication with stakeholders (x18); a mistake in choosing a provider that does
not have competence (x20); and management of poor materials, relating to the procurement,
use and storage of materials (x24). Overall these four variables have a significant effect of
88.3% and the remainder caused by other variables, while the level of risk posed 19.8%
obtained results for the variable X18, 18.9% for the variable x2, 18:06% for x20 and 18:04%
variable to variable x24. Overall level of risk these four variables will have an impact on the
achievement of performance fee is equal to 74.80%.
Keywords: Cost Performance, Risk Level Project


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