
  • Syatriawan .
  • Zaidir .
  • Yusrizal Bakar


This study aims to determine the exact cause of the dominant factors in the delays in completion
of the work which has been held throughout the last three years and the level of risk posed by
each cause. Risk can be said to be a result that may occur unexpectedly. Although some
activities have been planned as possible, but still contains uncertainties that will be run entirely
according to plan. Risk on construction projects however can’t be eliminated but can be
reduced or transferred from one party to the other party. The actors in the construction industry
is now increasingly aware of the importance of considering the problem of risk on projects
handled, due to errors in predicting and addressing the risk would have a negative impact, either
directly or indirectly in the construction project. Moving on from this condition, the need for
an analysis relating to the initial objectives of the risk management of construction projects
aimed at reducing the risk and impact of risk will occur. The results of the analysis using factor
analysis concludes that there are three dimensions of fifty variables derived from the five
factors as causes of low performance cost performance on projects implemented last three
years, including the indecision in giving authority and responsibility to manage the project (x1),
wrong in applying the methods of work (X29); and one in monitoring and controlling risk
(x42). Overall these three variables contributing causes low achievement of project completion
time performance based on the coefficient of determination was 81.5% and the remainder
caused by other variables. As for the level of risk of these three variables is 20.61% comes
from wrong in applying the methods of work (X29); 18.60% comes from indecision in giving
authority and responsibility to manage the project (x1); and 16:29% came from one of the
monitoring and control of risk (x42).
Keywords: Performance, Risk Level Project


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