
  • Riska Mayeni
  • Marsis .
  • Abdurrahman .


The purpose of these research are first to explaints the matic Structure Utilization
text,second to explain the schematically structure utilazation text,third describe subjeet for
junior hign school student in 2014.the type of this researh was qualitative.research objectare
the text about the national examination indonesian .the techniqe of collecting done by using
dacumentary method is content analisis techique (Content Analisis).The technique of analysis
data done by doing data reduction and data presentataion . theory used to reach the goals
from this research was theb theory of Teu van dijk. It includev three elements, there are
macid structure, super structure, and micro structure consists.micro structure consits of
thematic structure,syntactics tructure, seper Struture Consist of Scemati cally structure and
syntactic,structure. These reseach findings can be explaned as follows. (1) The Utilization of
Thematic Structure showed mental and cognition, all of The Tematic Structure Element refer
and suppore Tipics. Selection of topics that are far from Students knowledge make the
question difficilt to Analyze.(2) The Utilization of Scematically Structure form a Discourse
full text presented by Making schme or a clear path. Based on the result of the research and
dicussion,editor puts Inportant part in The midle and The last part,but Also puts in
frontdepent on The Purposer of The Text. (3) The Utilization of syntatic Structure in The
Text and The Numbur of National Examination Indonesian Subject Used Long Sentence
Structure and not clear Corehence so that difficult to Understand The text.The conclution of
the national examination used Media language.Text that was in the media was a product of
journalist with different idiologies in prosenting The news. If the language used is produced
as a national examination text for junior high school student of course it didrit sulted to them
knowledge and understanding,so that it got an difficulties in understanding the text because
Start from choose the topic,presented the sceme,until the using of sentence Strusture and
Election dificult vocabulary it make that question difficult to understand.selection of Topic
that are far from students knowledge make the question Diffrint to understand.
Key words:The national Examination indonesian subject, Didcourse,The Theory of Teun van


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