In an effort to implement safety systems work effectively and efficiently takes the safety ofgood management concepts to identify and analyze the causes of the occurrence of
irregularities or accidents that have an impact on job performance. If an organization fails to
manage the causes of the decline in performance due to the high number of accidents is
certainly an organization may experience a loss. Therefore, in SMK3, safety management a
major focus of preventive measures or at least reduce (mitigation) safety threat. This
research aims to determine the factors that affect the implementation of the safety
management system of work on the construction project and how the influence of these
factors in the implementation of the system of safety management on the performance of
construction projects that are measured in the parameter of time efficiency, cost efficiency,
improved work quality and increased activity work. By using several analytical approach,
the obtained results that the factors that affect the implementation of safety management
systems in construction projects especially in Kerinci district consists of efficiency time,
cost efficiency, and increase in work activities. There is a very significant influence among
efficiency time, cost efficiency, improved quality of the work and an increase in work
activities on the performance of safety management systems. Accumulated effect that seen
from the coefficient determinant for the following 56% effect caused by the ability to
manage time to achieve better efficiency, 77.3% influence posed by the ability to manage
costs and 83.3% influence posed by the ability to increase activity work more effectively
and efficiently.
Keywords: SMK3, Efficiency Time, Cost and Quality Improvement Work
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