The purpose of this study is: Knowing the factors that affect the performance of thePPK in particular to three (3) years last and assessing the performance of the CO under
PPK Factors affecting performance in managing the road construction project in Kerinci
district.PPK performance in the management of road construction projects in Kerinci
district can be concluded:
a. Factors personal / individual: rated good because the educational background of
PPK: S2 Civil Engineering, and has experienced six years as the PPK so that PPK
can carry out the work on time.
b. Leadership factors: rated good because they PPK, as leader of the project has been
pre construcion meeting of the project implementation team (site supervisors and
contractors) to provide direction and confirmation of technical specifications in
conformity with the contract of employment, to control the progress of the
physical progress and financial so that the work on time and costs.
c. Team Factor: rated poor due to lack of coordination with other fields (Water
Resources) drainage problems related to non-current related to the implementation
of the road construction project that disrupts the quality / grade road.
d. Factor system: rated poorly because PPK difficulties in the examination of
material (filler and bitumen) inspection of the concrete mix for road projects
mengontrolan quality of work because they have not had adequate amenities this
is due to the limited equipment such as laboratory facilities Fields at aspal mix
plan (AMP).
e. Contextual factors (situational): rated good because of the problems the weather
(rainy season) which are the external factors that can not be used as performance
appraisal PPK.
From the results of the PPK is based on five factors above three factors artifacts and is
well worth the two factors worth less, it can be concluded votes PPK performance in the
management of road konsruksi in Kerinci district is sufficient.
Keywords: Factor personal / individual, leadership factor, Factor team, factor
systems, and contextual factors (situational)
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