The distribution of self-management fund at the project of specific allocation fund(SAF) education sector for projects of rehabilitation, building of new class room and
libraries by forming the committee of school building (CoSB), however the human
resources of CoSB are not good experiences in both construction and project
management, it causes problems appearance, such as not perfect project results, and
slowness of finishing project. The purpose of this study is to analyze the dominant
factors cause slowness in finishing project of rehabilitation and building new class
room, libraries of Specific allocation Fund program by system self-management in
Pesisir Selatan Regency. This study is using quantity approach with descriptive method.
The Object of this study is the elementary schools that receive SAF from year 2012
until 2015. The population of this study is committee of school building amount 630
person. The method of getting sample is non probability sampling with purposive
sampling by using total sample 100 respondent. Technical of collecting data is survey
by using questioner instrument. To answer the issue of this study is using descriptive
analysis that calculate the total of respodent achievement (ToRA) and analysis of
Cochran Test. The Results of this study reveal: a). Factor of equipment, labor, material
and others strongly influence to cause the lowness of project rehabilitation and building
new class room and library of SAF program by self-management system in Pesisir
Selatan Regency, b). The dominant factor that causing the slowness of finishing project
is explained according to sub indicators are: slowness fund releasing, less coorporative
among people involved in project, undiscipline labors, level of labor skill, not qualified
equipments, process of working not based on planning, level of labor safety, rechanging
construction design, slowness of equipments delivering and supplying, and out of time
equipment ordering.
Key Words: Slowness, Self-management, Construction.
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