Euthanasia is a classic problem in the medical field and health related to aspects of law whichis discussed as the actual problem from time to time.Then, euthanasia is also written on the
Hippocrates. Based on the law in Indonesia, passive euthanasia is an act against the law. It
can be seen in the section 304 Criminal code. Pancasila as the national identity become an
important role in the aspect of human life. Morality is one of the studies in Pancasila. Passive
euthanasia is an act which is closely related to morality. So that morality in Pancasila
referable viewpoint deals with passive euthanasia. The aims of this research are 1. Analyzing
passive euthanasia from the viewpoint of medical ethics; 2.Analyzing passive euthanasia
from a legal standpoint; 3. Analyzing Morality of Pancasila addressing passive euthanasia.
This research uses normative legal research method with collecting the data from library
study. Then the research utilizes a qualitative method to analyze the data. The result of this
research 1. Show that the Indonesian medical ethics oriented to the views of Hippocrates that
has been accepted with passive euthanasia; 2. There are different views of passive euthanasia
under Indonesian law, it depend on the occurrence of passive euthanasia; 3. Pancasila
morality has several elements related to passive euthanasia, and each element has a different
Key Words : Passive Euthanasia, Morality, Pancasila.
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